The pandemic changed a lot of plans. The Independent Study PE program was one of them. Independent Study PE (ISPE), approved in 2019, is now in session for grades 10th and up. The program allows students to earn PE credits by either doing sports for the school or by doing non-school sports.
Junior Tyler Hemmings, mountain bike rider for San Marin, is taking Independent Study PE and says the course has helped him have more time with homework.
“I think it’s a great way to maintain physical activity without having to get graded or take a class,” Hemmings said. “It definitely helps me, I get to get home earlier and gives me more time to finish overall school work.”
Likewise, sophomore Laila Bakerian plays basketball for San Marin and on top of that takes Ballet.
“I think Independent Study is better for me because I get to choose when to workout and when to do activities, Bakerian said. Students are required to reach 400 minutes of physical activity every 10 school days in addition to a set portfolio including photos, videos, and goals of the sport/ activity they are taking. “I also don’t have to do work when I don’t want to, so I actually enjoy working out.”
Teachers also think the program is beneficial to students, making the students lives a lot easier.
“I love it!” PE teacher Benjamin Philpot said. Especially as a PE teacher, I like that kids are earning their credits as opposed to transferring them to another department.”