“Twisters,” the 2024 action thriller movie takes place in Oklahoma, close to where the director of this movie Lee Isaac Chung grew up, and is produced by the producers of “Jurassic World.” This movie is a stand-alone sequel to the original “Twister” directed in 1996 by Jan De Bont, although the 2024 version has no returning characters. The majority of the new movie is based on the El Reno Tornado in 2013, and it is a tribute to three people who died in that tornado and helped make the movie.
The movie starts off with a team of teenage storm chasers from the Tornado Tamper project trying to win a science fair prize of one thousand dollars. The team consists of Kate, Jeb, Javi, Addy, and Paveen, who are chasing a tornado, to conduct an experiment designed to decrease the moisture inside and collapse the tornado. Kate, played by Daisy Edgar-Jones, is the leader of the team. She has a natural gift for sensing weather and a big heart for helping people in the world.
The team of daredevil teenagers start chasing after the tornado which they believe is an F1, the lowest a tornado can be, but as soon as they get close enough to the tornado they quickly realize they severely underestimate the size. After the guilt of a chase gone wrong, Kate decides to give up on her dream of storm chasing and moves to New York. When an old friend she hasn’t talked to since she was a teenager shows up to her work 5 years later and asks for a week of her time to test out groundbreaking technology for tornados, she makes a hard decision that will alter her life forever. Later in the story she meets Tyler Owens, played by Glen Powell, a “Tornado Wrangler” and social media star; he and his crew are known to get in the way of everything.
The acting in the movie was well done and all the actors felt like they had a lot of chemistry. The movie started off strong with a thicker plot with multiple storylines to follow, but as the movie progressed it felt unfinished and predictable at the end. As a result, I lost interest towards the end and it felt as if the plot needed something more. With that being said, it was well filmed and the cinematography really captured the emotions and made you feel like you were in the moment living through it. Overall, I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to others. I liked the soundtrack track and I would definitely listen to the songs outside of watching the movie. It was stacked with popular country singers including Luke Combs, Miranda Lambert, Lainey Wilson, The Red Clay Straws, Tyler Childers, Bailey Zimmerman, Shania Twain, and Megan Moroney to name a few. My favorite songs from this album were “Caddo Country” by The Red Clay Straws and “Ain’t No Love In Oklahoma” by Luke Combs.
Overall I would give it 4 out of 5 stars due to the plot line lacking complexity towards the end, however, I think it was made well and I enjoyed it, plus the album for the movie was really good. I would recommend it to others who enjoy thriller or action movies, and if you like the southern country vibe this movie is for you.