“Time Cut,” directed by Hannah Macpherson, is a murder mystery that takes place 21 years in the past, when a 2024 teen accidentally travels back to the week that her sister is going to be murdered. The main character, Lucy Field, played by Madison Bailey, has a choice to stop the murder of her sister and possibly change the future forever, or go back to being the replacement daughter in her family’s life. One of the biggest things that stood out during this movie was how the dynamic between Lucy and her sister Summer, played by Antonia Gentry, changes throughout the movie. In the beginning, Lucy and Summer were purely friends, but once Lucy spilled that they were actually sisters something really gripping happened. At first Lucy was going to leave the timeline alone because she was scared of changing the future forever and ceasing to exist, In the beginning, Lucy only saw Summer as a friend until a stronger bond between the two sisters began, and Lucy realized she needed to save Summer.“The heart of the movie about sisters really struck a chord for me, and I had never seen that angle with two really strong, empowered women sort of leading a fun slasher film,” Macpherson said in an interview with Moviefone.
Some may say that the ending was rushed and doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, but I would argue that the ending had a good twist, it was just a little predictable. People have to realize that this is a movie about a time-traveling killer, meaning the director can bend the story however she wants, even if it doesn’t make any sense. Although it is marketed as a horror movie there were only two scary parts in the movie that I can recall. The first one came in the beginning of the movie when they showed Summer getting chased by the killer. The background music really adds to the intensity of the scene. It had me at the edge of my seat, the energy that the scene had made my heart beat a little harder. Even though it wasn’t scary there were parts that really kept me engaged. The biggest one was the whole mystery behind who the killer was. I was never bored while I was watching it, and the fun characters and storyline really kept me hooked. Another thing I really liked in this movie was the two big chase scenes when Lucy is trying to prevent the killer from killing his past victims.
The twists and turns throughout the movie really left me with some questions which I think is a good thing because it keeps you thinking about the movie. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes mystery and science fiction and I would rate this movie a solid 4 stars out of 5.