The last drama production of the year, “Walk Two Moons”, was presented by the San Marin Advanced Drama class along with their new drama teacher and director Christina Stroeh on May 17, 18 and 19.
Written by Tom Arvetis, “Walk Two Moons” is a play following the main character, Sal, on a roadtrip to visit her mother while recounting a mysterious adventure she had with an old friend named Phoebe Winterbottom. The play is an adaptation of the novel “Walk Two Moons” by Sharon Creech. Despite describing the play to have “depressing undertones,” senior and honors drama student Demetrius Rauck expressed his sadness with departing from the San Marin theatre program.
“They have truly been some of the best years of my life,” Rauck said.
“Walk Two Moons” was the first production that Stroeh directed at San Marin.
“It was cool to have someone with a different style,” Stage Manager Rachel Lobl said. “It gave the process a whole different tone.”
“Walk Two Moons” was the final play in the Emily Gates Student Center, as renovations for the new student center will begin over the summer of 2019 and continue into the 2020-21 school year. Many of the departing seniors were disappointed that they would not be able to experience the new student center in the following years.
“I’m pretty bummed out that I won’t be able to perform in the new theatre,” senior Manny Negrete said. “But I’m excited to come back sometime and watch a show.”
Lobl said that the play’s message fit the transition between student centers.
“[The play] talks about how to move on from a loss and that it is important to look forward to the positive things in the future,” Lobl said.