In August of the 2017-18 school year, a series of changes were introduced within the Link Crew organization.
Link Crew is a program dedicated to creating a group of upperclassmen who are positive leaders and mentors and can lead new freshmen through their first year of high school.
This year, Link Crew wanted to have a better connection with freshmen, and not only introduce them to San Marin, but guide them throughout the school year using new academic and social meetings.
“I think it’s great that freshmen have someone to talk to that has already experienced the majority of high school and can answer any questions we might have,” freshman Nicky Stevens said.
Every Tuesday night from 6 to 7 p.m., Link leaders are trained on a new topic. These topics include writing college applications, handling stress and time management. The following week, they are expected to teach the lesson to multiple freshmen classrooms.
The meetings for leaders last school year “didn’t have a structured time, which doesn’t help getting a whole group of students there,” explained the co-head of Link Crew, Virginia Vogl. “Having a set time and date really helps them so they can have some consistency,” she said.
Along with academic follow-ups, Link Crew introduced social events, which will aid freshmen in meeting new people and getting to know their fellow classmates.
The first social follow-up of the year was a movie night on November 3. All freshmen
were invited, and they voted on watching the movies Ghostbusters and Lights Out. Bagels and popcorn were also sold at a concession stand.
“It really allows us to be more in touch with the younger students at San Marin and help them bond as a class together,” said junior Hannah Bergo, a Link Crew leader.