With recent fluctuations in COVID-19 cases, one thing remains steady: vaccination rates. Across the U.S. record numbers of eligible citizens are receiving their first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccines. President Joe Biden, who previously set the goal of delivering 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in his first 100 days in office, has since met that goal and announced a new goal of delivering 200 million COVID-19 vaccine shots within his first 100 days.
On average, data suggests that between two and three million COVID-19 vaccine shots are getting into people’s arms each day. According to the New York Times COVID-19 vaccine data updated on Mar. 30th, this rate of vaccination would put the U.S. on track to meet Biden’s new goal of 200 million COVID-19 vaccine shots by Apr. 30th.
In California, an estimated 21% of the state’s population is fully vaccinated, with an estimated 39% of the population having received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Roughly 79% of the state’s COVID-19 vaccines have been administered. California is set to receive an influx of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine shots, which can be administered in one dose. This influx has allowed California to expand its vaccination eligibility to more demographics.
Within the San Marin community, many teachers and staff have or are receiving their COVID-19 vaccinations.
“I found the process of receiving the vaccine to be very smooth, the volunteers and organizers had everything really dialed in and people were moving through the facility at the fairgrounds really efficiently,” health teacher Cory Boyd said. “I definitely felt a small wave of relief with my first dose knowing that we may be on our way out of this pandemic. I know we’re not in the clear yet but it’s nice to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel!” Beyond teachers, some students who work in food service jobs or qualify for vaccine eligibility in some other way are also receiving their first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“I’m excited to be vaccinated because it gives me hope that we will slowly start opening up and going back to normal soon once more people start to get it,” senior Kamryn Mahan said.
Students who have received their first or second doses of the vaccine shared their thoughts on the process, with many remarking that their experience overall was a positive one.
“[I found that] the process was super organized and simple, and there were people there helping all along the way,” senior Lucy Ostrowski said.