Pepper King
From sunny beaches and the ice-cold water of Stinson, to the snow days and ski resorts of Tahoe, California offers diverse people, environments, and weather; there’s a reason so many songs feature California.
Because of its warm climate and beautiful scenery, California attracts many families. Junior Devaki Narayan grew up in Texas but moved to California her freshman year. Narayan loves California’s geography, and her favorite activity is camping on the coast. In addition to the
location, Narayan admires the people.
“The city I grew up in was very Bible Belt-y, where you have to be a certain way. What I like about California is there are so many diverse groups in one area,” Narayan said. “There are so many people that I’ve met with different backgrounds and different things to appreciate that I wouldn’t have learned about if I had stayed in Texas.”
“There are so many people that I’ve met with different backgroundsand different things to appreciate.”
Devaki NarayanJunior
San Marin graduate Justin Keizer has been a resident of California for high school, college, and now for his career. After graduating from San Marin in 2019, Keizer attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Keizer, like others who grew up in Novato, felt the limits of what the small town has to offer, but appreciated its proximity to interesting cities.
“While I know Novato can feel like its own bubble, there are cities within driving distance that can be full of worthwhile experiences,” Keizer said. “Moving to San Jose in the last year has opened my eyes to a city with more diversity than I have ever seen in my life.”
Science teacher Shealyn Mathews grew up in California as well. However, she chose to pursue her college education in a colder state. She chose to go to Boston College, knowing that she would eventually return to her home state. “I wanted to go somewhere really different, and experience that,” Mathews said.
After her time in Boston, Mathews missed her home state. She moved back to California shortly after getting her degree and joined the San Marin staff.
“I really missed the California attitude. I really enjoyed Boston… but it was darker, and people weren’t as smiley, and the work-life balance wasn’t what I wanted,” Mathews said.
Above all, California is known for its picturesque scenery. Beaches, hiking trails, golden hills, and mountains are all part of the state’s appeal. For those going off to college, and others who may be approaching their last year in state, this is a sign to take the time to appreciate their home.