Julia Embry

Julia Embry is a full-time counselor who began on the job. Even though Embry is new this year, she has already helped a lot of students in just a short period of time. She is excited to be here long term.
“I love San Marin; I’m excited to be here,” Embry said. “I’ve worked in Santa Rosa for the last six years, but I live in Novato and that was a long commute; being here is so wonderful.”
Embry has enjoyed working at San Marin because of its community. In addition, she loves that she can work across the street from horse stables.
“I think the school has a really good vibe; it’s peaceful and everyone that works here is super nice so I really like it here,” Embry said. “I like that there’s a horse farm across the street. I used to ride horses when I was a kid; I started working in barns and things when I was 12.”
One student she has helped with their academics is junior Beyci Gonzalez Montes. Embry has helped Gonzalez Montes determine her future path.
“She’s really nice, whenever I’ve asked her for help she’s gone above and beyond, so it’s nice that someone is always trying to do as much as they can and you don’t even have to ask for it,” Gonzalez Montes said.
Another student that Embry has helped is junior Sophia Tobler. She went to ask questions about four-year schools for nursing and Embry was accommodating to her questions and needs.
“I like her. I think she’s very helpful; I think she’s very nice,” Tobler said. Embry has many goals that she wants to accomplish this year.
“I think my goal is…being someone students feel safe talking to, and making sure everyone leaves high school with the information they need.”
– Julia Embry
“I think my goal is to be a connection point for students in high school like being someone that students feel safe talking to and making sure everyone leaves high school with the information they need,” Embry said.
Karen Siddiqui

Karen Siddiqui began working at San Marin as an interim counselor this year after counselor Caroline Hoj went on maternity leave. Siddiqui is going to remain at San Marin until the end of this school year. She works with mostly freshmen and sophomores, but she is also someone that all students can go to if they need support.
“[My goal is] to help students feel supported, listen to their needs, [and] accommodate them the best we can to make them successful.”
– Karen Siddiqui
Interim Counselor
“[My goal is] to help students feel supported and listen to their needs [and] accommodate them the best we can to make them successful.”
Siddiqui has lots of goals for the time that she’s here. In the long term, she wants to further her education.
“My goal is maybe to get my doctorate in a couple of years. Doing my college and career counseling then just regular counseling,” Siddqui said.
Siddqui has been a full time counselor for four years now, but wants to further her knowledge of counseling.
“I’ve been a counselor for 4 years officially, ” said Siddiqui.
Siddqui enjoys working at San Marin, however has felt an adjustment to being here. Overall, she feels she was able to adapting well with the help of the welcoming staff and students.
Siddqui’s caseload is underclassmen, but is there for anyone that needs the support.
“It’s good, but it’s an adjustment from where I’ve been before. The students and staff have been really welcoming. My caseload is ninth and tenth grade, but I’m a counselor to everyone and I will take anybody,” said Siddiqui.