Five new courses will be available for grades 10-12. Although every class depends on how many students sign up, classes are expected to be 30-32 students each. This excludes the culinary class, which is limited to 12. It is encouraged that students select a backup course because no one is guaranteed. The Sports Medicine, Broadcasting and Culinary classes are Career Technical Education (CTE) classes that will provide certifications.
Sports Medicine
Sam Whitlock
When asked about next year’s sports medicine course, counselor Caroline Hoj said, “That’s a really popular one.” This highly anticipated class will give insight into the athletic training field and be taught by San Marin’s Athletic Trainer, Brendan Graber. Students will learn about healing processes, first aid, injury evaluation, anatomy and much more about athletic injuries.
Sports Broadcasting
Sam Whitlock
This live sports and school events streaming course, taught by Greg Irish, will work alongside leadership, sports programs, and other activity groups to record the important school events for those who can’t attend. This class will require after school hours for broadcasting and students will be taught camera usage, commentating, editing along with other key broadcasting skills.
School Culture & Peer Relations
Sam Whitlock
This class will focus on leadership and maintaining San Marin’s culture and environment. Although the teacher is yet to be decided, this class will be different than others offered. “It could be great for students who want to be a teacher or even a therapist,” Hoj said. Students will learn to offer peer conflict mediation and mentoring to overall improve peer connections; and assist Link Crew in welcoming freshmen.
Intro to Culinary Arts
Sam Whitlock
San Marin is also introducing a joint class with Hill Education Center that will take place after school at their facility. The Intro to Culinary Arts class is an unique opportunity limited to 12 Mustang students. Depending on the amount of applicants, there will be a short follow up form to be filled out. Students will learn about cooking along with hospitality and the business aspect of catering.
Credit Recovery
Sam Whitlock
Zero period will be reintroduced into next year’s schedule with a credit recovery class. This class is primarily, but not limited to, seniors who need to recover credits from failed classes that they need to graduate. Students will work on their Apex Online Credit Recovery and will be able to fully earn their missing credit.