Melissa Weller’s baking cookbook “A Good Bake” provides a new perspective on baking with perfected classic recipes, as well as the science behind them. Weller demonstrates clear knowledge behind the more complex and intimidating aspects of baking. If you take the time to read the entire book you will develop a new deep understanding of baking and how to bake, which can be applicable to later recipes and down the line to developing recipes for yourself. The book consists of eight sections along with an introduction including her famous sweet yeasted breads. This book provides the ultimate spectrum of sweet and savory goods appealing to all bakers and is a comprehensive list of everything you need to make (a true baking bucket list if you will.) Weller appeals to all learners with detailed explanations of all recipes as well as images demonstrating what the final product looks like and for some recipes step by step photos demonstrating what to do and aiding bakers throughout the process. Weller has truly made the ‘ultimate baking bible’ where you will no doubt in the end come out a better baker and impress family and friends in the process.
Review: ★★★★☆
As an avid baker when looking to read my book of choice is always a cookbook, and this is hands down one of the best cookbooks I have ever read. It provided a unique approach to baking and explaining recipes that I had not experienced before as well as showing that with practice and research everyone can make amazing babkas, kouign amanns and more. This book is not for the novice baker and requires an already semi-decent understanding of the science behind baking and classic treats. If you are at a junior varsity level of baking and are looking to increase your talents and understanding to varsity level this book should be your guide. It pushes the comfort level of home bakers in a variety of ways and covers a broad range of baked goods. If I could only choose one baking book to keep with me this would be it, so do not shy away from it and trust the baking process because in the end you will get better because of it.