Here are seven holiday crafts that are both easy and fun for families or anyone with holiday spirit! Each craft has a difficulty rating out of five, one meaning anyone could do it and a five meaning that it takes a little bit of work. An age rating is also provided to help decide what craft works best. Happy crafting!
Snowflake decorations
Difficulty: 1/5 Age: All ages
This is one of my favorite crafts because I have been doing it since I was little. The snowflake decoration is white paper cut into unique designs that anyone can create. This craft is easy and fun for all ages. Everyone wants to unfold their paper and see what they created! It gives a chance to be creative without any need for artistic talent. The best part is that all you need is paper, scissors, and some string.

Take the top right corner of your paper and fold it down until the corner meets the edgeCut off the access paperFold paper in halfFold in half againCut any shapes into the sides of your triangleUnfoldPut all of your snowflakes on a string
2. Mini Christmas Trees
Warning: Hot glue gun can be hazardous for young children
Difficulty: 3/5 Ages: 10+
These are cute decorations that you can make yourself! They will look good anywhere and they are easy to make. The mini christmas trees are cones of paper wrapped in string.

Yarn/StringPaperScissorsStars (or anything you would like to put on the top of your tree)TapeHot glue gun
Cut a circle out of your paperCut a line from the outside to the middle of the circleWrap to make a cone Secure with tapeSecure string at the top of the treeWrap your tree with stringSecure string at the bottom of your tree with hot glueHot glue the star at the top of the tree
3. Treat Jar
Difficulty: 3/5 Age: 10+
This craft is great for putting a special touch on a gift. These treat jars are any glass jar decorated to make a small gift mean even more. Painting makes this craft more difficult to do with young kids, but can be fun for anyone over the age of ten.
Paint your jar with festive colorsBe creative – the example shown has stripesFill your jar with holiday treats
4. Ornament decorations
Warning: If glass ornaments are dropped it may be hazardous for children
Difficulty: 2/5 Age: All
The ornament decorations are one of the more creative crafts on this list. This craft allows anyone to show their artistic talent with a completely blank canvas. The ornament is clear with a glitter design. I recommend using plastic ornaments that you can find at a local dollar store.

OrnamentsPaintGlitter paint (optional)
Find a safe place to hang your ornaments while they dry BEFORE startingDecorate with paint or glitter glue (make it your own)Set out to fully dryHang on your tree for a beautiful hand made ornament
5. Santa Ornament
Difficulty: 1/5 Age: All
This is one of my favorite crafts because it is just so easy! You can make this one in five minutes and it will look professionally done. The santa ornament is a red ornament with a line of electrical tape and a sparkly glitter glue square as his buckle.

Red ornamentBlack electrical tapeGold glitter glue
Wrap the electrical tape around the middle of the ornamentMake a gold square on the electrical tapeDecorate as much as you want from there!
6. Holiday Vases
Difficulty: 2/5 Age: 10+
A holiday vase is your typical vase with holiday flare. These glass vases are covered with holiday colored electrical tape you can find at a local hardware store. I recommend finding a picture for inspiration before starting.

Vase Electrical tapeDecorating supplies like pom-poms or buttons
Wrap the electrical tape around your vase wherever you would likeGlue on any pom poms or buttons Draw on any final detailsFill with water and flowers
7. Popsicle Star of David
Difficulty: 1/5 Age: All
This is the perfect craft for young kids to let out their creative side. With COVID-19, kids aren’t getting the chance to do as many fun arts and crafts as they normally would in the classroom. It is also fun to put their name and year on the back to keep, that way you can look back at the art and even use individual stars as decoration.

Popsicle sticksGlueStringDecorating supplies like sequins or gems
Pick six popsicle sticksGlue three of them together to make a triangleGlue two triangles togetherDecorateAttach your decorated stars together on a string