Following the results of the 2020 presidential election, we asked the Latin community at San Marin what their thoughts were on the election and Joe Biden’s victory. Here is what they had to say.
“Although I may not be in the age of voting, I encouraged others to vote to take the cheeto puff out of office,” sophomore Mercy Galindo said.
“It just feels more relieved, it was such a burden having Trump as president because we just never knew what he was going to do and it would always be so stressful and brought hate out of a lot of people…when Biden won everyone was just celebrating and united which is what we aim for in this country,” junior Gisele Galindo said.
“[After hearing the results of the election] I was filled with joy because the ugly orange ball was treating our nation poorly,”sophomore Danna Ruiz said. “Biden’s campaign can help bring us back together, transform us into one, and unite us.”
Giselle Galindo Junior in San Marin High School
Mercy Galindo Sophomore in San Marin High School
Danna Ruiz Sophomore in San Marin High School