Take a coastal hike to Kirby Cove
This two mile round trip hike takes you to anepic panoramic view of the Golden Gate bridge.“Kirby Cove is a special spot in Golden GateNational Recreation Area,” Superintendent ofGolden Gate National Recreation Area, Laura Joss said.
Check out Stafford Lake
It’s right in our backyard … Lay back, relax andenjoy the sun. “It’s a good place where you cango and chill in the hammocks,” junior Maxine Walas said.
Go Climbing at Planet Granite
Planet Granite is a rock climbing gym in SanFrancisco. When at Planet Granite, students cantop rope and boulder. Climbing is considered tobe a lot of fun and a great workout. The gymis situated in the Presidio, so you have a greatview of the bay and a nice coastal breeze when climbing.
Bonfire at Muir Beach
From left to right: Elizabeth Meehan, Kelsey McIvor, andHayden Shaffer
Muir Beach is the only beach in Marinwhere bonfires are permitted. Bonfiresare a great way to hang out with yourfriends, and nothing beats the coastalsunset. “It’s really cool how you can justlook out to the ocean and look back intoisolation,” freshman John Brawley said.